7 mins read

The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start

Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…

6 mins read

Is My Child Being Bullied? How Do I Help?

When I walked in to my daughter attempting suicide due to extreme bullying, I was horrified and heartbroken. Most of all, I was surprised and felt guilty that I had missed that anything of this magnitude was happening in her life. Bullying has been around forever, heck, I was bullied as a kid, but bullying…

6 mins read

7 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Safer

The threats we face as a nation are real, but they shouldn’t be paralyzing. For too long, those like me in the security world have done much to get you worried -- ISIS, Zika, random gun violence, hurricanes, oh my . . . – but not much to get you ready. We’ve managed to talk…