4 mins read

A New Way to Discipline Your Kids: The Baseball Approach

At the end of the day, some moms count up all the times theyve had to nag or remind or discipline their children. Dont hit your brother. Stop picking your nose. Stop talking back. Dont fart at the table. Wash your hands. Pull your pants up. Dont disobey. Listen the first time. Say hi to the lady and look her in the face. Dont use the toilet lid as your own basketball hoop backboard. Dont, dont, dont, stop, stop, stop.

3 mins read

“Take 10” Challenge

Every time you turn around, theres another bit of technology you have to keep up with. Keeping up with old friends on Facebook, responding to e-mails, talking on the phone, browsing on Pinterest…. STOP! PUT THE PHONE DOWN! CLOSE YOUR LAPTOP! Take ten minutes and spend some quality time with your little ones.

4 mins read

Fuel Up and Play (and Get a Chance to Hang with Quarterback Andrew Luck!)

If you were anything like me growing up, we’d go outside and play in the neighborhood until the street lights came on. Our moms didn’t set up playdates; we just went outside and all the kids were there – riding bikes, playing kickball, fishing in creeks. We used our imaginations to build forts, invent new games, and most of all, run around outside all day with our friends.

Today, times have changed. Kids have …

3 mins read

Circuit Training Workouts for Kids

While gyms and fitness boot camps often use circuit training to target people’s major muscle groups and keep the heart rate raised, children’s circuit training has a variety of goals and benefits. The primary aspect of effective kids’ circuit training is that it offers diverse, developmentally appropriate activities that do not rely as much on calisthenics, floor work or hydraulic exercise machines. Keep the pace fast and the mood upbeat, and children will discover new challenges.