11 mins read

The Five Things I Learned In My Rookie Year Being A Working Mom

This Fall, I celebrated my first anniversary of returning to work after becoming a first-time mother. Ironically, in the same month, I started a new job. In retrospect, it's not a coincidence. They say the first year is the hardest for significant life changes. It's a period of unknowns, new obstacles, and inevitable mistakes made…

7 mins read

Why Moms Need Dreams…

A version of thefollowing was originally posted on Jill Simonian’sTheFabMom.com. JillSimonian is a TV & Digital personality seen frequenlty on HLN, Hallmark Channel and parenting blogs across the web. We’ve all hit that metaphorical brick wall. You know, that thing we slam into every now and then when weve spun around in circles enough times to lose our orientation.BAM!There’ve been way too many times I’ve …

3 mins read

Amazing 1st Birthday Party Ideas

While all birthday celebrations hold a special charm, the first birthday party often reigns supreme as it is a celebration of the first, change-filled, year of a child’s life. To ensure that your child’s first birthday celebration is an adequate reflection of the joy associated with this first year, careful planning and attention to detail are required. By dedicating yourself to the planning of this event and including an array of uncommon features, you can separate your celebration from the pack and create an event that is truly memorable.