4 mins read

Are Shoelaces Irrelevant?

Every single day, my seven year-old son gets off the bus with both of his shoes untied, laces dragging on the ground, and his feet coming out of his sneakers with every step. Every single day I ask him how long hes been walking around like that, and every single day I am met with a silent shrug, which I take to mean, somewhere aro

11 mins read

We Are Never “Asking For It”

The following is a guest post by Alane Miller Howell, Ph.D.Imagine you are a man in a deserted area. You see a woman walking naked and drunk down the street. Nobody is around. Nobody will know. Do you rape her or help her? WHY?Chloe, a college freshman, goes to a fraternity party and passes out from drinking. She is raped by three fraternity brothers. When she returns home, her father and older …

4 mins read

Why Worrying Doesn’t Equal Good Parenting

I recently shared my list of what I worried about too much as a parent that turned out to be utterly irrelevant. Stuff like my excessive yelling and lack of patience when my three kids acted up in public. Now it’s time to share what, in hindsight, are the big things I did right. Just…

5 mins read

Parents & Worry: Too Much of A Bad Thing

Parenting often feels unbelievably weighty - the smallest decisions loom as the most significant and permanent ones we've ever made – making it natural for us parents to worry excessively about all the wrong things. But natural doesn’t mean good. When my kids were little, I read books to determine what exact age was the…

4 mins read

Staying Out of Our Kids’ College Applications

I swore I would not be the kind of mom who micro-managed my kids’ college applications. No helicoptering for me. No sirree, I was too wise and evolved for that kind of shallow “my kids define me” mentality.

My grandparents and my parents went to college. I went to college. My kids work hard and play hard at good schools; all predictors were excellent that my children would go to college too.

That was the …