3 mins read

Weight Training Routines for Kids

Children need about an hour a day of moderate exercise. While running, playing a sport or bicycling are all great ways to get in that daily exercise, some children may express interest in using weights to build up strength. Although myths have circulated about the dangers of children lifting weights too early, under most circumstances, weight training is a safe and healthy way for children to exercise.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Back Fat for Women

Excessive back fat doesn’t look so pretty. You may have a “spare tire” around your chest and back when you put on a bra. Your back fat may prevent you from wearing that knock-out dress you bought or from even putting on a swimsuit in the summer. When you diet and exercise to lose back fat, you’ll notice that the fat all over your body, including on your stomach, decreases as well. Toning exercises will build the muscle on your back, further minimizing the appearance of fat.

6 mins read

Why I Skipped My Daughter’s Talent Show

Once every few months at my kids school, they put on a talent show during lunch time. I use quotation marks because the show is open to anyone who wants to participate, so sometimes theres talent, and then sometimes there are a bunch of second grade girls dancing around to a Katy Perry song. But it doesn’t matter, because talent isnt the point. The point is that the kids feel confident enough …