9 mins read

Ditch the Grinch and Deck the Halls

‘Tis the season! That’s what all the billboards, advertisements, and email subject lines are saying right about now, anyway.  But ‘tis the season for what, exactly? The obvious answers are “giving” and “gathering” and “getting out the sparkly decorations.” There are presents that need purchasing and cards that need crafting; there are parties that require…

4 mins read

10 Reasons To Spend Less Time On Facebook

You log into Facebook just to check what friends and family are up to and if they’ve posted any new photos. It doesn’t take long before an hour or more has passed where you are clicking on photos and articles, liking posts, and commenting. How many times in a day or week do you find…

7 mins read

Bad Bedside Manner: Why Background Checks Are Important

I had to have dermatological surgery last week. I’m okay; it’s just another mole gone rogue. When my (new) dermatologist referred me to a particular surgeon, I didn’t question the recommendation. Come to think of it, I didn’t do much of a background check on my new dermatologist either, because she was in my insurance network.

4 mins read

Removing Gender Bias in Children’s Clothing

When one mom's letter to the Land's End clothing company went viral last year after discovering the brand didn't offer science-themed T-shirts for girls, only boys, it brought a lot of attention to the gender-neutrality movement that so many have been working on. According to Today, New Jersey mom Lisa Ryder told the company that…

9 mins read

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