3 mins read

Popular Teen Hairstyles

As your kid turns into a teen, you will likely find that the child who was once content to run about with her hair in shambles will suddenly want each strand in place before she heads to school each day. As your teen develops this new interest, you can play a part in helping her select and maintain her look by exploring the world of teen hairstyles, and considering which ‘do might be best for your image-conscious teenager.

2 mins read

Curly Hairstyles for Older Women

Although some associate curls with little girls, older women can wear their hair in curls just as effectively. While the curls you choose to adopt may not be the ringlets of youth, you can take advantage of your natural curl or transform your straight hair into curly tresses. By selecting a curly style appropriate for an older person, you can add body and life to your do.

3 mins read

Easy Hairstyles for Teens

Taming your teens tresses doesn’t have to be difficult. By teaching your teen some simple hair styles, you can empower her to transform her locks from lackluster to luminous. In addition, practicing these easy-to-do looks is a great way to spend quality time with your teen and play an active role in her life.