3 mins read

How Teen Pregnancy Affects Job Opportunities

Teen pregnancy can result in a young girl’s education being put on hold indefinitely. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, educational levels are related to both earnings and unemployment. Teens who are pregnant may be more worried about how to tell their parents, and what everyone else will think, and not looking at the long-term consequences. They may have to request maternity leave from school, and from a part-time job. Teens who keep their babies and do not find a way to finish their education will not be able to continue onto higher education, which will provide them with more job opportunities, higher salaries and greater job security.

5 mins read

Harvard and Other Elite Schools End Test Optional Applications: What You Need to Know

In a move that has rekindled discussions about the role of standardized tests in college admissions, Harvard University has recently announced that it will reintroduce SAT and ACT scores as a requirement for its application process. This decision marks a significant shift from the temporary test-optional policies adopted by many institutions during the pandemic. Understandably,…

17 mins read

Meet the MILs: Which of These Mother-in-Law Types is Yours?

Let's face it, when you said "I do," you probably didn't realize you were also signing up for a lifelong subscription to MIL Magazine, complete with monthly issues filled with unsolicited advice, invasive questions, and the occasional guilt trip, courtesy of your brand new mother-in-law. For many, entering this uncharted territory can feel more like…