2 mins read

How to Wear Leggings in the Winter

The necessities of winter clothing can be a blow to your personal style: Bulky jackets and sweaters hide even the sveltest figure, and the never-ending succession of jeans and heavy pants gets monotonous quickly. One of the best ways to add some flair to your winter wardrobe is with leggings. Wearing leggings in different materials and colors adds individuality to your cold-weather clothing choices, and allows you to wear nontraditional winter garments like skirts and dresses and still stay warm.

2 mins read

How Long Should You Stay on the Weight Watchers Diet?

While many fad diets pose health risks over the long term, Weight Watchers offers dieters a long-term, flexible and healthy alternative. With smart maintenance plans and food education, you can keep the weight you lose off and stay healthy and in shape. Once you reach your weight goal, you can become a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. If your weight does creep up, simple diet changes can quickly resolve the trend.

3 mins read

How to Find Out If It Is Too Late to Get Pregnant?

Many women wait to start families until they get their careers firmly established. They opt to buy a house, get a retirement account started and take a few carefree vacations before moving into mommy mode, but when they finally decide they are ready, they worry that they may have waited too long. Knowing the indicators of when you may be too old to conceive can help alleviate your concerns.

2 mins read

Lexapro Complications

Lexapro is the brand name for Escitalopram, a drug commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression and generalized anxiety disorder–a condition that causes individuals to suffer from extreme worry and anxiety without any identifiable cause. Lexapro works by blocking the reabsorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, and the blockage causes an increase in the amount of available neural serotonin. This in turn is thought to positively influence mood. Although Lexapro is an effective antidepressant, it is connected to a number of complications and side effects.

2 mins read

FSH Side Effects

FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone, is commonly used by physicians as a treatment for infertility in women. Normally, FSH is produced by the pituitary gland and is responsible for stimulating the follicles in a woman’s ovaries to produce a mature egg that can be released into the uterus. Injections of FSH can be used to induce this process in women who have low FSH levels. However, using FSH as a fertility treatment can result in a number of side effects. These side effects range from minor to life threatening.