5 mins read

Moms, Kids and Sex

The most important woman in my life (rest in peace, mom) never talked to me – or my two sisters or my brother – about sex. Zilch about menstruation, pubic hair, hormones, intercourse or conception. We snuck our tampons, bras, and birth control into the house like Cold War spies. It was a surreal way to go through adolesc

6 mins read

Children With Special Needs: Handling the Loss of a Service

Our child will lose a service at the end of February. We are mourning this upcoming loss. I am especially upset by it, not only because my child is losing the structured opportunity to play with a child who has become his friend over the last two years, but also by the way it all came about. The facility notified me in November that my child’s funding had lapsed. To my astonishment, my child had been on a 30 day contract during that month.

4 mins read

Do Most Parents Hate Parenting?

Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist. -Michael Levine Driving home from a long day at work, I was imagining the blissful greeting from my beloved children. But the actual scene I came home to was a different story. Sienna, my 9-month-old, was crying. When I picked her up, instead of gurgling a happy hello, she baptized me in the carrot puree shed had for dinner. Alessio, my 2-year-old, tried to snatch Sienna away so that he could squiggle into my arms. Sienna down! he demanded.