1 min read

Pregnancy at 7 Weeks

Even at seven weeks there is a remarkable amount of growth and development happening. The unborn child has already begun to form the facial features that will be carried throughout life. The mouth and tongue have formed and the eyes now have lenses and retinas. All of this is occurring even as the mother is just beginning to discover that she is pregnant.


Although the fetus is only the size of a small marble, blood is flowing, the muscles are forming and the fetus is able to squirm and wiggle about.

Time Frame

At about this time, tiny fingers, toes and even teeth are apparent. Internal organs such as intestines, liver, heart, lungs, and appendix are forming at this point as well.


There will be only a few external changes at this point for the expectant mother. Although she may notice a very slight increase in the size of her abdomen, she will most likely not start showing for several weeks.


While the genital tubercle is formed at this point, it will be impossible to determine whether the child will be a boy or a girl.


While the fetus is able to move and swim about freely, the mother will not be able to feel any of this movement for a little while due to the size of the fetus and the cushioning provided by the amniotic fluid.


Some expectant mothers have begun to experience morning sickness by this point.


As soon as a woman suspects that she may be pregnant she should make an appointment with her physician to set up a schedule of regular prenatal care.

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