Breastfeeding Weight Loss Diet
Whether you’ve gained 10, 20 or 30+ pounds during pregnancy, after you have delivered the baby you might think that you will never be able to take off the weight you put on. The good news is that nature has a surprise for you. Breastfeeding can actually help you lose the baby pounds you packed on during the last nine months easily and effectively. Follow the breastfeeding weight loss diet now, and not only will you experience the emotional and physical benefits of breastfeeding, but you will also lose those extra pounds in a healthy, easy and fun way.
Step 1
Understand the benefits of breastfeeding, which are numerous for both the mother and the baby. Your new little person will gain some of your immunity from your breast milk, as well as the total nutrition he will need for the next few months during a remarkable growth stage. At the same time, your baby is developing a one-of-a-kind bond with you. This will not only help your baby form strong healthy organs and bones and new abilities, but it will also help your child better socialize later in life. In addition, there are many benefits to you. Not only does breastfeeding improve the unique bond between you and your child, but it will also help you get your body back in shape. Milk production actually burns 500 calories a day. That’s 40 minutes spent on a treadmill that you accomplish just by doing what is completely natural for you. This is a good thing, especially during those first few exhausting days of motherhood.
Step 2
Eat a healthy, vitamin-enriched diet and take your supplements. You will need to consume between 1500 and1800 calories, which includes at least three servings of protein (preferably in foods that are also rich in iron and DHA like eggs, sardines, beef, turkey and salmon), five servings of calcium, three to four servings of green leafy and yellow vegetables, at least three to four servings of various kinds of fruits (preferably ones like bananas, which are packed with potassium) and three to four servings of whole grains and other complex carbohydrates a day. You should also drink eight to ten glasses of water a day.
Step 3
Avoid certain foods. Avoid high-fat, greasy or fried foods and sugary foods. Try drinking nonalcoholic, decaffeinated drinks and avoid colas, which can leach calcium out of your system. Stay away from any herbs that don’t mention being good to drink during lactation. If you must have a sugar substitute, use aspartame over saccharine. Sucralose used in Splenda is considered safe.
Step 4
Breastfeed on demand. Don’t limit your baby’s breastfeeding. Allow your baby to nurse as often as needed. Researchers now believe that mothers who nurse for longer than 6 months tend to lose more weight than mothers who don’t. In fact, nursing on demand typically burns between 300 and 500 calories a day.
- For your baby’s sake, you should also avoid any foods that anyone in your own family is allergic to, since the baby might be as well. Foods like peanuts, strawberries or shellfish might be a problem.