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Secrets for Fast Hair Growth

Women go to great lengths to achieve healthy, shiny, long hair. We book regular appointments with our hairstylists so that our hair can luxuriate in salon-quality treatments and conditioners. Our bathroom cabinets overflow with expensive products that promise to help strengthen, grow and enhance the appearance of our hair. Product after product produces less than stellar results, and we’re left with unused bottles and unhealthy hair that won’t grow. The secret for fast hair growth isn’t in a fancy, colorful bottle filled with a fruity scented cream, it starts from within.

Add More “Fat” to Your Diet

Web MD reports that essential Omega-3 fatty acids promote hair growth. Add grilled salmon to your salad, invest in a quality flaxseed oil supplement or enjoy walnuts as a snack. These foods are rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to contribute to healthy hair and promote growth. Foods such as soybeans, shrimp, sardine and tofu are also beneficial in providing your body with the omega-3 fatty acids it needs. And as an added bonus, essential fatty acids even help keep nails looking healthy.

Get Your B’s

B-complex vitamins, which include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9) and cobalamin (B12) are known to aid in hair growth. These vitamins can be taken in pill form but are also found in foods such as nuts, beans, eggs, seafood, poultry, liver, milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, carrots, mushrooms and peas, to name a few. If you opt to purchase a b-complex vitamin instead, Pure Health MD suggests avoiding brands that include artificial coloring. Also check out the label before purchasing and ensure that the supplement contains at least 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance of B vitamins.

Enjoy a Carrot a Day

Add beta carotene to your diet by enjoying fruits and vegetables such as leafy green vegetables, carrots and sweet potatoes provide large amounts of beta carotene. Beta carotene aids in hair growth and maintenance. If you’re not getting enough beta carotene in your regular diet, purchase the vitamin in capsule, liquid or tablet forms. The Mayo Clinic suggests that adults use 6 to 15 mg of beta carotene as a dietary supplement, when taken as a capsule or chewable tablet.

Put Down the Flat Iron

Flat ironing, curling and blow drying your hair could be stunting your hair growth. Women’s Fitness reports that heat damage can cause ends to split and hair to thin. Opt for air-drying hair and wearing low-manipulation styles such as buns and low ponytails to protect your hair and promote growth.

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