Foods to Avoid to Lose a Gut
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Foods to Avoid to Lose a Gut

Like many parents, you may find that as your children grow and get bigger, so do you. Unwanted weight gain is something many adults struggle to control. You may find yourself longing for the days when you could eat any foods you wanted without them going to your gut and butt. Learning to eat healthy, nutritious foods can help you lose your gut while setting a good example for your children. Certain foods may cause you to gain and retain unwanted weight. Knowing which foods to avoid can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Fast Food

Eating a diet high in calorie-dense foods can keep you in supersized clothing. If you tend to visit your local fast-food restaurants often, you may find yourself struggling with your weight. According to a 2005 report published by the University Of Minnesota School Of Public Health, fast food consumption may contribute to our nation’s obesity epidemic. This may be partially due to the large serving sizes, which contain excessive amounts of calories. The glycemic load in these fatty, salty and sugary foods may even increase your risk of developing diabetes. This doesn’t mean you can’t occasionally grab a quick meal for you and your kids on the way home from the babysitter’s or soccer practice. Just make sure you choose healthy, low-calorie and low-fat selections from the menu, such as salads and grilled meats.

Artificial Sweeteners

If you are trying to lose your gut by swapping out sugary drinks for ones made with artificial sweeteners, you may be undermining your diet. A 2004 Purdue University study indicated that artificial sweeteners might cause the body to lose its ability to gauge the intake of calories. The researchers suggest that the use of artificial sweeteners might corrupt the relationship between sweet taste and calorie consumption, causing some individuals to overeat and gain excess pounds.

Fatty Foods

Although your body needs some fat to stay healthy, too much can keep you from losing weight. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advises you to limit your intake of saturated fatty acids to less than 10 percent of your daily caloric intake. Total fat should be below 35 percent of your daily caloric intake. Too much fat in your diet may equal too many calories. This high-calorie substance can pack on the pounds.

Soda Pop

According to Northwestern Health Sciences University, overweight individuals who consumed the most soda pop were the ones that gained the most weight. In fact, the study indicated that the biggest pop drinkers had a 60 percent greater risk of gaining weight than those who drank very little soda pop. If you frequently drink soda pop, reduce or limit your intake.

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  • two obese people wearing union jack waistcoats image by david hughes from
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