Natural Hair Regrowth Tips
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Natural Hair Regrowth Tips

A luxurious head of hair may help enhance your appearance and increase your confidence. A variety of conditions can cause you to lose your hair, sometimes to the point of baldness. Some types of medications, hereditary factors, medical conditions and medical treatments may all lead to hair loss. Growing your hair out again takes time and patience, as well as proper hair care. Although some medications and surgical treatments can help renew and replace thinning hair, natural treatments offer an easy an inexpensive way to encourage healthy hair.

Nutritional Requirements

Like the rest of your body, healthy hair growth relies on the availability of nutrients. The Mayo Clinic advises you eat a nutritionally balanced diet to keep your hair healthy. Consume a diet that includes foods high in B vitamins, such as whole grains and leafy greens. Get your protein from vegetable sources or lean sources of meat, such as beans, tofu and cold-water fish. Prepare foods with a healthy oil, such as olive oil. Drink between six and eight glasses of water every day. Although supplements won’t replace healthy eating habits, you may want to address nutritional deficiencies with supplements that contain B-complex vitamins, as well as trace minerals and vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.


Depending on the amount of hair you have lost, as well as the underlying reason for your hair loss, you may need to take certain, precautionary measures while your hair starts to grow back. Protect bare areas of your scalp from the damaging rays of the sun. Apply a layer of sunscreen to your scalp, or wear a wig or hat when you go outdoors.

Regular Maintenance

New hair growth can appear fine and wispy. Even though you can’t wait for your hair to grow longer, a good haircut may help make your hair appear thicker and fuller. In addition to regular haircuts, good maintenance means careful washing and drying techniques. Use a mild shampoo and carefully massage it through your new hair growth. Follow up with a gentle conditioner to remove tangles and reduce snarling. Pat your hair dry with an absorbent towel, avoiding wringing and twisting your damp hair.

Styling Considerations

Use a gentle touch when styling your new hair growth. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle damp hair. Brushing wet hair may cause breakage. Allow your hair to dry naturally, whenever possible. Avoid the use of heated implements, such as blow dryers, curling irons and straightening irons. If you need to use these heat appliances, set them on their lowest setting and apply a product that provides a heat-protective barrier, prior to styling.

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