The Perils of Bargain Shopping
3 mins read

The Perils of Bargain Shopping

I visited my friend Alice the other day and was inspired by the peaceful tidyness of her home. Most of all, I was floored by her closet. ALL her dresses fit in about eight inches of closet space. And somehow she always looks fabulous – full disclosure: she’s the type of person who can pair a hospital gown with a cute scarf and make it look couture. But still – eight inches!

Un-Fabulous Bargains

I came home realizing I still have plenty more I can pare down – so I went through my closet and made a big giveaway pile. My goal was to only keep the things that I really feel like I look my best in. Now I’m no Alice, so “best” is more of a relative term. But it was very clear that the giveaway pile was filled the items I’d gotten on the sale rack, knowing even when I bought them that they weren’t fabulous – but they were such bargains! Well, months later, they still don’t look fabulous.

Fabulous Splurges

The items that ARE on my “fabulous” list are the ones that – I confess – tended to be splurges. Things that really looked great and I really felt great in. And I have gotten full value out of these splurges – I wear them plenty and feel great when I do.

Do the Math

Splurges don’t necessarily cost more. I just gave away 10 $20 shirts – 200 bucks down the drain. What if I had just bought two $100 shirts (ooh la la!) and spent the same amount? Or four $50 shirts? Let me say I’ve only spent more than $100 on a shirt twice in my 40+ years. But I wore each one at least five times more than any of the shirts in my giveaway pile, and felt at least five times as good.

No More Random Shopping Trips

I think this 10-minute strategy will keep me away from those dangerous random shopping trips that keep me buying useless bargains. Before, when I had a free half hour, I might stop in a clothing store for a quick browse to kill time. Now, I’ve found better ways to fill the time! Where do you come down on the bargain v. splurge debate?

About the Author

While Laura’s official job title is “Stay-at-Home Mom”, her motto is “Give Me 10!” — as in, "Please, just give me 10 minutes a day for myself!" Since 10 minutes is about all the unscheduled time we get in our days, Laura suggests taking those moments to “advance the ball” on your own goals – and little by little you’ll reach them. Through her on-the-job training as a mom of 3, as well as her background in management consulting after graduating from Northwestern University and The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Laura’s come up with a plan that works because it fits into your life — you don’t need a full-time nanny or a chauffeur. Take a look at her tricks and tips and share your own at

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