Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear is a 3D live-action/CGI adaptation of the original cartoon series The Yogi Bear Show. With voices from stars like Tom Cavanagh, Anna Faris, Dan Aykroyd and Justin Timberlake, this film is bound to be a fun way to spend an afternoon with the family.
The plot is simple: Yogi Bear, his sidekick Boo-Boo, and Ranger Smith are trying to save Jellystone Parkfrom being closed down. This film resurrects the hibernating Yogi Bear character in a delightful way. All the loveable and original elements are still there, with some new twists.
Yogi is still designing elaborate machines to help him steal "pic-a-nic baskets," even though, as Boo-Boo points out, it would be much easier just to hunt like the other bears. But, peaceful Yogi would never think of harming anyone!
Great entertainment for the whole family!