5 mins read

Keep Your Kids Safe in the Water this 4th of July

If you are planning on hitting the beach, pool, or nearby lake to celebrate the 4th this year, make sure you keep your little ones safe while enjoying the water with family and friends! The Infant Swimming Resourceprovided the following tips to help families protect their young children in and around the water this 4th of July weekend.

3 mins read

Signs of Water Breaking in Pregnancy

When you are in your ninth month of pregnancy, your water could break at any time. It’s probably best that this doesn’t happen when you are giving a speech in front of a large crowd of people or when you are a guest at a formal dinner party. The good news is that only about 10 percent of women experience their water breaking before they are checked in at the hospital. But, since you don’t know for sure, it is understandable why many women are interested in knowing what, if any, signs will occur before your water breaks.

1 min read

No-Dye Watercolor Easter Eggs

Want to give your Easter eggs a cool tie dye design? These beautifully decorated eggs are so easy to make with just a few simple ingredients! Supplies Eggs Food coloring Oil White vinegar Water Directions Start with a bowl of hot water, enough that it will completely cover the egg. Add a splash of vinegar. Add several drops of food coloring into the bowl. Then add two tablespoons of oil.

3 mins read

Why Does Skin Wrinkle in Water?

Anyone who’s taken a bath or has gone swimming has noticed something peculiar when fingers and toes have been soaking for too long–they start to get really wrinkly. It may leave you wondering what the heck is up–after all, many women want to stop that wrinkling effect these days, right? Don’t worry, the effect of wrinkled skin in water is perfectly harmless, and the answer to why it happens is quite simple.