3 mins read

Gesundheit – It is Allergy Season

I love spring. Most of the country is finishing their wet winter and the sun is starting to shine.We can look forward to grasses, trees, and flowers blooming. This is beautiful to look at, but for many children it is a sneezy, itchy, watery-eyed nightmare.Approximately fifty million Americans, or about 1 in 5, have allergies. The majority of these people have pollen allergies and thus suffer more during spring and summer.

3 mins read

Seasonal Allergies and Breastfeeding Moms

The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and there is a feeling of fun in the air. Everyone at this time of year is beginning to think about barbecues and picnics – except for the allergy suffer who is thinking about itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, and the embarrassing constant sneezing. Over the counter and prescription medications often work well for allergy suffers but although most are safe for breastfeeding moms, some moms feel a decrease in breast milk because allergy medications can dry up secretions. But dont despair, there are other options available!