8 mins read

#SportBits…Weekend Rejuvenation

Happy Friday #ModernMoms! Hopefully you are recovering from your Thanksgiving festivities. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of time before things ramp up again. This might be a good weekend to relax and rejuvenate before you’re back in high gear for the Holidays. What better way to do that then lounge around and watch some sports?…

4 mins read

Are You Ruining Sports For Your Kid?

Every fall, there’s a bright shining sports moment when the four most competitive, most watched professional men’s games are simultaneously played in the United States. Sadly for Mets fans, gloriously for the Royals, the World Series ended Sunday night. But basketball, hockey, and football offer daily consolation. As so many of us, alongside our kids,…

3 mins read

Celebrating Autumn with Starbucks® Fall Blend

The following post is sponsored by Starbucks® 

This post come from Chastity over at My Rays Of Sunshine. Make sure to check out her great blog!

Hello Sunshine! Summer is winding down which hopefully means cooler weather, special back to school moments, and new fall memories. Did you know that the first day of Autumn is September 23rd? I can’t wait! I’m counting down the days to less humidity, but I’m already …

7 mins read

What Your Child’s College Doesn’t Want You To Know

I was 18, a college freshman thrilled about living on my own. I was also secretly petrified without my parents protection and rules. As part of learning how to take care of myself, I attended a campus safety orientation for freshman women.The goal was to empower us to avoid being victims of sexual assault while at college. We were issued a rape whistle on a red neck lanyard. We were told to memorize all …