4 mins read

Lung Diseases in Children

Several different lung diseases can affect a child. Asthma, cystic lung disease and interstitial lung disease are three of the most common lung issues children face. With each disease, precautions need to be taken so the child’s symptoms are controlled. Understanding the symptoms, treatment and preventative measures for each case can help you feel less anxious about it.

3 mins read

Sexual Diseases in Women

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) pass from one person to the next during sexual contact. They can affect men and women, but women can have greater complications if they are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, women have more frequent and serious health problems from STDs than men do. If a bacteria or parasite causes an STD, you can treat it with antibiotics, but if a virus is the cause, there is no cure, only medicines to keep the disease under control. Using a condom reduces the risk of getting an STD.

3 mins read

Common Cold Treatments for Children

On average, children catch a cold between six and eight times each year, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. Children don’t literally “catch” colds, of course, but upper respiratory infections are extremely contagious and common, especially in kids who attend daycare or school full-time. Colds are not usually serious. Most are easily treatable with home remedies.

3 mins read

Diseases & HPV

In some cases, genital human papillomavirus, or HPV, can cause cancer in women and men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cervical cancer risks increase among women with HPV, and a few people with the infection may also suffer from cancers of the penis, vulva or anus. Getting regular Pap smears and having only protected sexual intercourse with few partners are effective ways to prevent HPV or reduce its cancer risks in those people already infected with the virus.

1 min read

Adolescents and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

One-in-four girls aged 14-19 in the United States have at least one of the five most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), based on data analyzed by the CDC. These five STDs are Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Trichomonas, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This means that about 3,000,000 girls in this age group in the U.S. have one of these STDs.