3 mins read

How to Make a Mommy Corsage

A mommy corsage is a popular gift item for Mother’s Day and baby showers. A mother or mother-to-be receives the corsage as a gift from their children, spouse, friends and other family members. It is a way to honor a mother for all her sacrifices, hard work and for being a great mom. A mommy corsage often uses fresh flowers; however, it can also use flowers made from other materials and may include charms and other accessories that symbolize what the recipient likes or cherishes. The recipient wears the mommy corsage all day long or until the celebration ends, by pinning it on the upper left side of the clothing or by wearing it around the wrist.

3 mins read

It’s the Boobie Generation

My boyfriend and I went to a prom photo shoot at his daughter’s friend’s house. I’d never seen anything like it. Then again, I’ve never seen anything related to a prom because I didn’t go to mine. And before anyone thinks that no one asked me, hush up. I was dating someone at the time but I didn’t want to go. Corsages make my wrists look fat.