Search Results for: Files statistics
Unlock Your College Dreams: Top Scholarship Resources for High School Students
Let's face it, it's one thing to get into college, and it's a whole other thing to be able to afford it. If you've got an eye on higher education, you've probably discovered how expensive it can be. As high school students prepare for the next chapter in their educational journey, the soaring costs of…
11 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms Who Want To Go Back To Work
Stay-at-home moms: Dont fall for the media chatter that opting out of work to raise kids will sound the death knell for your career. It IS possible to get back in. You just need some advice and inspiration.Remember, as a full-time mom, you opted in to the most important job in the world – raising the next generation of capable and responsible adults. There’s no need to regret your decision; it was the …
Why Your Daughter Needs A Self-Defense Class
I have two teenaged daughters. I’ve worked in domestic violence advocacy for ten years. I am a woman myself. Yet I’ve never taken a self-defense class. Until last weekend, when I spent two hours with 10 fifteen year old girls and a female instructor who had a black belt in karate and years of self-defense…
Together We Can Stop Teen Dating Abuse
Nearly six years ago, Yeardley Love’s family received an unforgettable phone call. The 22-year-old college student and lacrosse player had been murdered by her ex-boyfriend and fellow lacrosse player, George Huguely, three weeks before their graduation from the University of Virginia. Two families were destroyed. Before Yeardley’s murder, the solution seemed simple: Yeardley had to…
Helpful Tips for Empty Nest Moms
If youre a seasoned mom who woke up one morning and suddenly wondered, OMG, how did I get here?and then cringe, you just might be experiencing what is commonly referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome.