2 mins read

Quinoa Pasta Salad [Gluten-Free]

Happy New Year, my friends!May this year be filled with happiness, joy, prosperity, health and an abundance of love. Enjoy the positive vibes that a new start brings and keep your heart open to possibility. Remember that all of your dreams are within reach, and that everything is possible. Today, I offer you a healthy pasta salad recipe that is perfect to make ahead and keep in the fridge for when you need something …

5 mins read

The Tragedy of the Discontinued Shorts

Dear Person At Lands End Who Decides Which Items to Discontinue, Im going to keep this friendly, because Im hoping that youll help me out here. Im sure that you have really great kids. The kind of kids who are adorable and polite and look like they stepped out of well, a Lands End catalogue. (I was totally going to say a J. Crew catalogue but then I was all, duh!)