4 mins read

Birthday Games for Tweens

Planning activities for a tween’s birthday party should include putting a new twist on traditional children’s games and introducing more mature games for the tweens to feel slightly more grown-up. Have a variety of games planned in case any of them fail to entertain your child’s guests. If one game fails, you can quickly move on to the next.

6 mins read

How to Keep Your Teen Safe Behind the Wheel

The 100 Deadliest Days (Memorial Day to Labor Day) for teens has started, and we wanted to share some tips to help parents keep their teenagers safe behind the wheel. We had the chance to talk with Bill Wade, National Program Manager for Tire Rack Street Survival (a national non-profit teen driving program) and heres what we learned: Why is there an increased risk for teen drivers during the summer?

3 mins read

Backyard Barbeque Party Ideas

When planning outdoor entertainment, a backyard barbecue party often comes to mind, especially during warmer days. Taking the party outdoors will make the event an informal one, allowing the food to take center stage. For your next backyard barbecue party, take a little time and make the gathering more fun and entertaining.

4 mins read

Bedwetting as a Teenager

Wetting the bed while sleeping is called enuresis. Most children outgrow bed wetting by the age of 6. Three percent of adolescents between 13 and 15 still suffer from enuresis, and 1 percent of teens still wet the bed after their 15th birthday. Most cases of enuresis are not caused by diseases. It is typically caused by the adolescent being an extremely heavy sleeper and the signal between the brain and the bladder not working properly. Wetting the bed can embarrass a teen and cause him to avoid overnight activities away from home. There are things he can do to reduce the chance he will wet the bed.