7 mins read

Nicole Sullivan on Career, Family and Healthy Living

Nicole Sullivan has made us laugh as the dog walking Holly on “The King of Queens.” We loved her, too, in “$#*! My Dad Says.” Now the comedienne is starring in her own show on Nick at Nite, “Wendell & Vinnie.” Combined with her successful efforts to find a healthier lifestyle with Jenny Craig, Nicole seems to have found her groove.

1 min read

Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan

While the days of relaxing in the summer sun with a book are over until next year, maybe (just maybe) you have some extra free time now that the kids are back in school. If so, now’s the time to pick up a beach read you might have missed – Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan.

7 mins read

Sexism, New York Times Style

Each ambitious woman discovers her own ugly truth: along the path to success, youve gotta watch out for the false doors, the smoke and mirrors, the landmines disguised as bouquets of roses. Expect them when you least expect them. Sheryl Sandburgs famous Lean In philosophy didnt quite capture this part. Yes, lean in. Work hard. Work smart. But recognize that workplaces, especially the most powerful, highly compensated, male-dominated echelons of politics, journalism …

5 mins read

Do You Feel Stuck In A Rut?

The following is a guest post by Bob Sullivan, co-author of “Getting Unstuck: Breaking Free of the Plateau Effect”Feeling stuck? It can be incredibly frustrating. As mothers and women, Im sure you feel stuck in everyday relationships, in careers, in a creative rut — we all get stuck, and we all hate it. Dr. Hugh Thompson and I have spent many years studying the problem of getting stuck. It’s more universal than you …

3 mins read

The Best Selling Books for Expectant Mothers

During those exciting and anxiety-filled months before baby’s arrival, many pregnant women turn to the printed word for guidance and reassurance. The number of books on the market written specifically for expectant mothers continues to grow, as do the sales numbers. Pregnant women buy many of these books for themselves, but these books also show up as baby shower gifts.