Search Results for: Wordpress
Why A Home Exchange Is a Great Family Vacation
Like a lot of families, our summer vacation plans were canceled due to COVID-19. We are looking forward to the days when we can travel again. When we are able, our next vacation will be a home exchange. We got started home exchanging three years ago, and now, it's our favorite way to vacation! So…
He Thought His Wife’s Pit Bull Would Harm Their Newborn and She Didn’t Listen… Then THIS Happened!
A new father was filled with the disorienting flood of emotions which accompany this particular stage of life... the elation of falling in love with your new baby... and the terror of failing your child in any small way which could negatively impact his or her life. When our children are born into this world,…
How To Build A Website For Independent Sales Reps
Women earning extra (or sole) income as independent sales representatives isn’t a new trend of the 21st century. There have been “Avon Ladies” for decades, and your own mom probably attended or hosted her fair share of Tupperware parties. Of course, the main difference these days is technology. Leveraging social media to host virtual sales…
The Gift Of Play
When my siblings and I were kids growing up in Washington DC in the 1970s, afterschool activities meant playing kickball or exploring Battery Kemble Park with a few dozen other elementary school children, unsupervised by adults. Christmas presents for the luckiest families meant toys, books and stuffed animals. We never saw a flash card or…
Wait, All Of A Sudden My Baby Is An “Adolescent?”
I recently took my 11-year-old son for his yearly well visit with the pediatrician. At the end of the appointment, and after being assured all was indeed well, the doctor handed me a nifty little printout detailing the visit.