1 min read

How to Clean Glass Ceramic Cooktops

Ceramic glass cooktop stoves give a kitchen a contemporary feel and have the added bonus of being easy to clean since it is just one smooth surface. To maintain the surface, you will need to clean the cooktop after each use, as any spills left to sit will become harder to remove once dry. With the right cleaning supplies and regular cleaning, you can maintain the surface of a ceramic glass cooktop for many years.

3 mins read

The Best Makeup for Rosacea

When you have a rosacea flare-up, the first thing you probably want to do is hide. You should not feel like you need to put your life on hold. If you know the tricks and the kinds of makeup to apply, you can cover up your rosacea so no one will have to know. Your doctor can help you to treat your rosacea, but makeup can give an instant boost to your self-confidence.

3 mins read

Is Microdermabrasion Safe & Effective?

If you don’t want to worry about a cosmetic procedure that takes a lot of time, microdermabrasion may be the ideal treatment to rejuvenate a dull complexion. In the hands of skilled dermatologist, microdermabrasion is quite safe. However, microdermabrasion’s effectiveness depends on the cosmetic concerns you wish to address–and the results you expect from this treatment.