3 mins read

Pregnancy and Sinus Pain

According to Lisa Rodriguez, R.N., contributing writer for the Dr. Spock website, sinus pain and infection are common pregnancy ailments. The hormones responsible for vaginal swelling also cause the lining of nasal passages and sinus cavities to swell, a condition called sinusitis. Increased swelling prevents nasal passages from draining properly, and this back-up of fluid can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. The result is a painful sinus infection.

3 mins read

Severe Acne During Pregnancy

Severe acne probably wasn’t the type of “glow” you were hoping for during your pregnancy. Unfortunately, for many expecting mothers, acne is often worse early in pregnancy, clearing up the closer you get to your due date. Although many treatment options for acne are off limits while you’re pregnant, there are still ways you can get clearer skin.