Search Results for: affordable solutions
My New Year’s Anti-Resolutions
With the start of the New Year also brings that special time of year when people make obligatory resolutions to become better. But most resolutions don’t last, and they aren’t that useful as self-improvement tools if you’re just going to break them. So let’s not make resolutions, let’s just do it.Apologies to Nike, because it seems like they had the right idea all along. Here are a few way to change your life for the better this year: Focus on You
3 Financial Steps to Take Before Year-End
A new year is quickly approaching and that means a fresh start. Among the most common new year resolutions, money goals often take the lead. In fact, the 2020 New Year Financial Resolutions Study by Fidelity Investments found that 67% of respondents made a financial resolution including saving more, paying down debt and spending less.…
6 Ways to Save Money on Activities for Your Kids
Raising kids takes a lot of time, patience, love, and- of course- money. It’s difficult enough to keep your child entertained but especially frustrating when you’re trying your best to stick to a family budget. Whether you’re looking to cut costs on activities your children are already in, or looking for affordable plans for the…
Why Aren’t We Demanding Universal Daycare?
For too many working parents, summer is a nerve-wracking roller coaster of scattershot camps, vacations with relatives, and kids left alone for too long. We gratefully return our children to regular school in September. This nutty break is stressful for parents and kids — a far cry from idealized summers together at the pool, beach or backyard.
Beyond the Romney/Rosen Catfight
Despite the 3.5 million news stories about the Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney cataclysm, a surprising number of critical issues affecting working and stay-at-homes moms DIDN’T get covered as both Democratic and Republican political machines postured endlessly about American motherhood today.