Search Results for: approaching normal
About Late Pregnancy
After what may seem like a long, long wait, your due date is rapidly approaching. Many changes take place late in your pregnancy. While your baby is rapidly preparing for his life outside your womb, your own body is undergoing some major changes to get ready for the process of birth and breastfeeding. In addition to these normal changes, you might experience unusual symptoms that can indicate a problem with your pregnancy. Knowing what to expect late in your pregnancy can help you determine when to contact your doctor.
Online Dating In Your Forties
Online dating sites are like virtual’s for finding a mate. There are all sorts of sites to find all sorts of people. There are sites for young people, old people, tall people, short people, religious people, people who are farmers, people who make a lot of money, people who don’t make a lot of…
Pregnancy at 34 Weeks
The 34th week of pregnancy is considered part of the eighth month and third trimester. During the third trimester, many symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue, may return. The mother is gaining approximately 1 lb. per week, and the baby is rapidly approaching delivery. Babies born at 34 weeks are considered premature but have an excellent survival rate.
The Complexities of Raising A Person
The following guest post is by Miriam Levine. As my son’s first birthday is rapidly approaching, I can’t help but rewind this past year in my mind. The first year of life is remarkable. A symbiotic worm emerges into this world and before the year is over a little man is running after me, feeding himself…
Ultra-Competitive Parents: Red Flags and Warning Signs
I love kids but sometimes I hate parents. This might come as a shock – as part of ModernMom, I work to perpetuate the idea of mothers supporting one another. However, when it comes to the ultra-competitive parents among us, I am ready to give up hope.