2 mins read

Things Women Do for Beauty

Some women go to great lengths to look a certain way, while others just toss on some lip gloss and call it a day. Beauty routines are highly personalized and can vary depending on income, geographic location, employment and personal preference. Your routine may contain all or none of these practices.

3 mins read

What Diet Will Rid Cellulite?

For any mom, summer can mean taking the kids to the pool or the beach. While it might feel good to enjoy the sun, having cottage cheese thighs can make it difficult for you to strut around in a bathing suit with confidence. Instead of investing in board shorts, try adopting a diet designed to get rid of cellulite. According to the Mayo Clinic, losing weight is “probably” the best way to treat cellulite. In addition, you may need to look into lasers and radio frequency systems.

2 mins read

Male Infertility Symptoms

About 15 percent of couples are infertile, reports MayoClinic.com. In 20 percent of these cases, the infertility problems come solely from the male and, in an additional 30 to 40 percent of cases, infertility is a combination of male and female problems. If you are having problems conceiving, you want to be aware of male infertility symptoms.

3 mins read

Weight Gain Diet for Women

While being overweight can increase your risk of developing health problems, many women don’t realize that being significantly underweight can disrupt your menstrual cycle, put you at risk for osteoporosis and may indicate that you aren’t getting enough of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to ward off disease. The key to reaching a healthy weight is to maintain a weight gain diet that focuses on slow and steady caloric increases through nutritious, calorie-dense foods.