6 mins read

Autism and the In-Between Parenting

Autism and the In-Between Parenting What is the In-Between Parenting? It’s a term I made up for the following situation. I have an eighteen-year-old with autism. He’s about to graduate high school and attend a local community college in the fall. We do not have a conservatorship with him. What is a conservatorship? It is…

2 mins read

How to Tell If My Child Is Autistic

If you are wondering if your child has autism, there are some steps you can take to find out. For children with autism, the earlier it is recognized and treated, the better. If you are worried your child may be affected by autism, delaying in having your child evaluated could prevent her from gaining access to the resources she needs. Children who get the proper assistance from the earliest age can gain skills to lead a successful life.

4 mins read

The Child They Said Would Never Walk…

As an infant, my daughter missed all of her developmental milestones. Cooing, babbling, crawling, walking, talkingall delayed.At well-baby checkups, I would express my concerns to the doctor but he reassured me that all babies are different and we would continue to monitor her development.But by the time she was 12 months and not yet crawling or making the verbal sounds she should have, I was even more concerned and went in for …

6 mins read

Divorce Lice

My soon-to-be-ex-husband just texted me from an airport 400 miles away. I was expecting to hear from him. He was about to put our 12-year-old daughter on a plane to fly to me for two weeks vacation at the beach. In fact, I was grabbing my car keys to leave for the airport to collect her at the gate. I stopped when the text popped up. My first thought: maybe the flight was delayed. Or …