1 min read

Happy Chinese New Year: The Year of the Rabbit

Gung Hay Fat Choy! That’s “Happy New Year” in Chinese. People all over the world are celebrating the Chinese New Year today with parades, festivals and food galore! The Year of the Rabbit, a 1-in-12 year occurence, is associated with tranquility, affection, and family ties. People born under this sign – Frank Sinatra, Johnny Depp and Albert Einstein for instance – are said to be gentle, articulate, talented, wise, reserved, successful in business and strong-willed.

4 mins read

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

As I hauled our luggage out of the attic last week, I glanced at the boxes labeled Christmas with a black Sharpie. Those three boxes contain my entire collection of Christmas decorations. By most standards, its a meager collectiona couple of mangy stuffed snowmen holding dusty brooms, a few chipped Santa-head mugs, and one artificial tree thats probably infested with mites.

4 mins read

Vacation Ideas for Toddlers

According to Dr. Robyn Fivush of the Emory University, most children develop their first memory of detailed events between the ages of two and four. Since vacations are often very memorable events, in general, these vacation ideas for toddlers may develop into your child’s first memory. The perfect vacation also doubles as a unique learning experience for the whole family.