6 mins read

Stuck In The School Pick-Up Car Clusterfest

Every day, while our elementary-school children are still in the throes of gluing macaroni to paper and counting dried beans, cars stack up in two-by-two formation outside, waiting in the”Car-Riders” line as early as 55 minutes before the last bell rings.

5 mins read

$50K For A Three-Year-Old’s Birthday Party!?

Lately, weve been on the birthday circuit. Today was a 2-year-olds Thomas-the-Train celebration, tomorrow is a 3-year-old pony riding extravaganza, and next weekend 6-year-old twins are celebrating with a gymnastics party. I love birthday parties. When Ava gets invited, it reassures me that she is popular and I can look forward to eating the piece of cake she decapitates by furiously licking away the frosting. Everyone wins. With all these parties on our calendar, I have to take a list with me to Target just to remind me of the presents I need to buy that month. But a $15 Barbie is a small price to pay for popularity and it beats the cost of child therapy, which I imagine is the sad lot of the uninvited.

7 mins read

Age is But a Number. No, Really. I Swear!

I have a skewed perception of aging. My dad didnt start working out until he was 65. He got his ear pierced around the same time–about 20 years after ear piercing fell out of fashion. Then he bought a Harley-Davidson.