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How to Remove Brown Spots From Hands

The passing years, combined with normal wear and tear, can age your entire body, including your skin. Age spots appear as patches of brown skin on your hands, arms, face and other areas that receive regular exposure to sunlight. Although quite common, these spots can make your hands look old and dingy. Because these spots may resemble other skin conditions, ask your doctor to examine your spots and rule out any serious problems. After receiving a medical diagnosis, you can lighten your spots and minimize the possibility of future brown spots.

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How to Get Rid of Brown Spots on Hands

Age spots, also called liver spots, appear as brown patches on the skin. These can occur anywhere on the body but mainly affect areas frequently exposed to the sun, such as your hands and your face. These small, brown patches of skin can make your hands appear older than their actual age. You can minimize the appearance of these unattractive patches and discourage new ones from forming by incorporating some skin care techniques into your health and beauty routine.

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Brown Spots in Pregnancy

Many women anticipate pregnancy as a time when their hair and nails grow at record pace and their skin practically glows. So it comes as quite a shock when they look in the mirror to see dark, blotchy brown spots reflected back at them. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, more than 90 percent of all pregnant women experience some skin discoloration.

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How to Remove Hand Age Spots

Age spots on the hands can come in a variety of shades and have different nicknames, such as liver spots, according to the Mayo Clinic. Whether they are called “age spots” or “liver spots” or are brown or gray in color, this aspect of the aging process can reduce a womans confidence in her appearance. While age spots arent always preventable or easy to remove, women suffering from such marks on their hands can try several at-home and medical remedies to try to remove them.

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How to Get Rid of Age Spots on Hands

Age spots, commonly referred to as liver spots, on the backs of your hands can cause you to keep your hands in your pockets instead of reaching out to shake hands with new-found friends or business acquaintances. Caused by an overexposure to the sun, the pigmentation turns odd-shaped areas of skin to varying shades of brown. Using a good sunscreen can reduce the risk of developing age spots on the hands. Once they appear, however, there, are also several things you can do to reduce their appearance or make them disappear.