3 mins read

Weight Loss Boot Camps for Women

If you, like many moms, carry around a few extra pounds, but don’t feel that you have the time or energy to shed them, a weight-loss boot camp may be the ideal option. By participating in a weight loss boot camp, you can benefit from the guidance of trained professionals, likely increasing the effectiveness of your weight loss efforts. Whether you select a day-camp option or a residential one, you are likely to benefit from the experience, learning more about your body and the ways you can keep it fit.

3 mins read

Why Do Women Gain Weight During Pregnancy?

You gained 30 lbs. during pregnancy but your baby only weighed eight of those. But, you don’t feel like you gained all that weight in body fat, so you might be wondering where the rest of that scale jump came from. There are a lot of reasons women gain weight during pregnancy and a lot of different places they gain it. For the most part, those scale increases indicate that your body’s doing its part to prepare you and your baby for a healthy gestation and delivery.