2 mins read

The Elusive Joys of Napping

I have been obsessed with napping lately. Unfortunately, not taking naps myself, but admiring those who do. My friend, Alice, takes a nap every day –every day. Just 20 minutes, but I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Yes, the 20 minutes of sleep is one thing to envy, but the whole ritual of self-care surrounding it is, too. Being a daily napper means keeping yourself and your needs front and center (or at least somewhere in view).

4 mins read

Pap Test Guidelines

The Pap test, also known as a Pap smear, is a test used to identify pre-cancerous cells on a woman’s cervix. After 1945, when the American Cancer Society (ACS) began recommending women have Pap tests to detect cervical cancer in its earliest stages, the number of deaths from cervical cancer dropped by approximately 74 percent between 1955 and 1992, according to the E Health MD website. Pap tests used to be recommended for women annually; however, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has recently altered its guidelines for when and how often women should have the test done.