2 mins read

Art Therapy for Abused Children

While most children find creating art therapeutic, the practice of art therapy has specific reverberations for a child who has experienced a personal trauma such as abuse. Art therapists employ strategies that encourage children to use nonverbal as well as verbal forms of communication. Effective art therapy helps children move beyond cognitive barriers and emotional challenges so they can heal wounds caused by problems in their past.

5 mins read

Taking a Portrait With Kids Is Not A Snap!

We have been busy setting up the new house and my 15 year old asked me why dont we have any nice posed pictures of all the kids that we can hang over the mantle. There are lots of candid shots of the childrenbut not one of those beautiful posed portraitsyou know the kind that is so beautiful some people even have an oil painting made of it. I smiled to myself thinking about the last time I had the bright idea to try and get a posed portrait of the six children.

2 mins read

What to Wear for Maternity Portraits

Professional maternity portraits capture the beauty of pregnancy that can be cherished for years. Children will enjoy looking at the pictures of themselves in mommy’s tummy. Choosing appropriate clothing to wear for maternity portraits can determine how well they turn out. If you feel comfortable in the attire you choose for your maternity portraits, it will show in the pictures.