2 mins read

Birthday Party Ideas for 10-Year-Olds

A 10th birthday marks a special moment in a child’s life, where many of the younger games and toys do not suffice but teenage-level amusements are not appropriate. Accommodate a child’s wishes for a 10th birthday party by brainstorming on the party’s theme, activities, location and guest list. Children at this age feel like they should have a voice in what happens in their lives, particularly for something as significant as a birthday party. However, all party planning should meet with final parental approval.

3 mins read

Places for a Teen Birthday Party

As your child enters the teen years, she may want to start doing things independently. That doesn’t mean you cannot plan a terrific birthday party for her every year, though. Consider her interests and activities when choosing a party venue and, unless the party is absolutely a surprise, always get her input when planning the party.

2 mins read

Vacation Ideas for Families With Young Children

Vacationing with young children requires planning, patience and flexibility. A vacation filled with a heavy sightseeing schedule may result in temper tantrums, missed naps and stress. Relying on public transportation is difficult because of car seat issues and limited schedules. Young children are often happier with vacations that allow lots of activity and less structure. Choosing child-friendly hotels and activities that allow for nap time will be more relaxing for kids and parents.

6 mins read

Tips on Organizing a Family Reunion

Closely knitted families should make it a point to have a reunion every year. Aside from the usual Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, there should be a separate day for families to get together to have fun, eat good food and strengthen the bond that holds them together. Organizing a family reunion can be a challenging undertaking, but proper planning and execution can make it a successful one.