1 min read

Indoor Mold Linked to Asthma in Babies

According to a study published Tuesday in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, infants who are exposed to mold inside their homes are twice as likely to develop asthma. This research does not prove that mold causes asthma, but it does suggest that mold exposure at an early age is somehow linked to the development of chronic inflammation of the lung airways, which causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

3 mins read

Asthma Medication

Asthma affects both children and adults and can last a lifetime. Asthma causes your airways to swell and leads to difficulty breathing, coughing and a feeling of tightness in your chest. If your children have asthma, you may notice that they wheeze, or produce a whistling noise when they breathe out. Several medications can control asthma symptoms.

3 mins read

True Benefits from Drinking Green Tea

Green tea, also known as Camellia sinensis, is native to China and other Asian countries but is popular worldwide. According to herbalsafety.utep.edu, tea is the second most consumed beverage next to water. Many people believe that there are health benefits to drinking tea, and scientific studies prove most of them to be true.