5 mins read

Turmeric – Best Uses and Benefits for Kids + Recipe

Turmeric has been gaining a lot of press lately so, I decided to explore its health benefits and see if this spice was something that would benefit our family. I was given a health magazine over the holidays that showcased turmeric on the front cover. I was excited, but when I went to the article,…

6 mins read

7 Tips for Detoxing and Restoring Energy

I have two very high energy children and run two to three jobs at any given time.  Add housework, household finances, trying to exercise, and lack of sleep into the mix and my head is constantly spinning.   Do I constantly crave a balance to keep all the juggling balls in the air?  You better believe…

3 mins read

Why Choose Pure Maple Syrup + Supercharged Waffle Recipe

Living in Vermont, we are fortunate to have some of the most delicious pure maple syrup on the planet. We produce more real maple than any other state. There are only a few regions in the world that have the right climate for sugar maple trees. (New England, upstate New York, Michigan, the Maritime Provinces,…