Search Results for: classified
Should Cosmopolitan Magazine be Classified Pornography?
A recent article on Fox News describes how Victoria Hearst (an heir to the Hearst publishing empire) and former model Nicole Weider are working to get Cosmopolitan magazine (published by Hearst) declared pornography. They believe the magazine should be sequestered behind counters and sold only to adults – rather than displayed openly on grocery store shelves.
Pregnancy and Fertility Drugs
Fertility drugs can increase your odds of getting pregnant. Use of these oral or injectable medications may be beneficial when you have an ovulation disorder. However, and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, both indicate that sometimes fertility drugs may require complementary therapies to yield success.
Pregnancy and Sinus Pain
According to Lisa Rodriguez, R.N., contributing writer for the Dr. Spock website, sinus pain and infection are common pregnancy ailments. The hormones responsible for vaginal swelling also cause the lining of nasal passages and sinus cavities to swell, a condition called sinusitis. Increased swelling prevents nasal passages from draining properly, and this back-up of fluid can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. The result is a painful sinus infection.
What Are Signs of Exercise Addiction
Research has told us for decades how important it is to exercise and keep our bodies healthy. For many people, getting enough exercise is a regular struggle. For some, however, exercise becomes an obsession that can be detrimental to health and well-being. I once had a client who would wake up at 4:00am every morning…
Herbal Fertility for Women
There’s no shortage of herbal remedies with centuries of traditional use trailing behind them. Makers of herbal fertility supplements offer you hope for a fraction of a price of conventional fertility treatments. However, Mayo Clinic expert Mary Gallenberg, a gynecologist and obstetrician, states there’s no convincing proof that herbal supplements will help you and your partner conceive.