2 mins read

Homemade Carpet Cleaning Products

There’s nothing like a nice, clean carpet — it can be a perfect place for your children to play. Unfortunately, keeping that carpet clean can be difficult in a house filled with children and pets. Cleaning your carpet frequently may be necessary, but it can also be expensive and bad for your health. Instead, use a homemade carpet cleaning solution that is not only inexpensive, but also much safer for your health.

3 mins read

Natural Home Cleaning Products

Commercially made household cleaners work wonders on grease and grime in your home, but they can also wreak havoc on your health, triggering such ailments as allergies and asthma. In addition, according to Women’s Voices for the Earth, many chemicals found in household cleaning agents today can cause reproductive harm, from decreased fertility to miscarriages. Not only are these products generally costly to your health, they are costly on your pocket book, too. Turn to natural ingredients in your home to clean your house effectively, save money and help protect your family’s health.

2 mins read

Chemicals in Green Cleaning Products

You are probably aware that many chemicals in cleaning products can be dangerous for the environment, and this has caused you to make the switch to “green” cleaning products. These products are safer for the environment, but they do still contain chemicals than can cause harm if you use them incorrectly. Consider all the facts when choosing the best cleaning products for your family.