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How To Teach Your Children Good Financial Sense

Teaching kids sound financial habits at an early age gives all kids the opportunity to be successful when they are an adult. Warren Buffett April is Financial Literacy Month. Its also tax month and money is on the mind for most of us, for better or worse. Whether how to spend it or how to save it, money is in all of our lives, a connective tissue that directly affects our quality of life …

2 mins read

Foods That Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite occurs when fat is stored along irregularly patterned connective tissues beneath the skin, according to James W. Brann, M.D., of the Women’s Health Care Topics website. Your hormones and genetic makeup are responsible for cellulite, and while cellulite cannot be removed completely, adding a few healthy eating habits to your diet can prevent fat storage, reduce the appearance of already stored cellulite and improve overall health.

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How to Tone and Shape Breasts

Your breasts are not like your arms. They cannot be toned, lifted or easily made bigger or smaller. Basically, when it comes to breast size and shape, you’re stuck with what you have. Breasts aren’t made of muscles—they consist of milk-producing glands, fat and connective tissues that are at the mercy of gravity. You’ve probably experienced sagging, drooping breasts after pregnancy, if you have large breasts or if your breasts are prone to excessive movement. You can’t change your breasts, but you can keep them in shape and give your bust a better appearance by exercising and tightening the surrounding chest muscles. Exercising your pectorals and doing yoga will help keep you in shape, but it won’t give make your breasts look like you’ve just had plastic surgery.

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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks After Working Out

Pregnancy, growth spurt, weight and muscle gains are some of the main reasons why people develop stretch marks. Muscles extend and grow after an extreme work out, causing stretch marks to appear. Stretch marks form when the middle layer of the skin, also known as the dermis, stretches drastically, causing the connective tissue in the skin to break. When the tissue breaks, it causes collagen disruption that leads to scarring. Stretch marks can be very unsightly, appearing as numerous vertical lines, ranging from red to silvery-white in colors. They are more prominent on the upper arms, back of the legs, thighs, chest, waist, hips and abdomen. However, there are solutions to minimizing their appearance. Follow these steps.

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How to Lose Cellulite on Thighs Quickly

Cellulite is caused by fat cells poking through the connective tissue of the skin. You can have cellulite if you are young, old, trim or overweight, but it is a more common problem for women, especially in the thigh area. In fact, cellulite affects around 80 percent of women over the age of 20. You can minimize the appearance of thigh cellulite with treatments that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These procedures are done through cosmetic clinics. Here are the latest options.