4 mins read

Why Is Yogurt Good for Women?

There are a number of practical reasons why yogurt should be included as a regular food source in a woman’s diet. Since calcium is needed for maintaining strong bones, women who do not meet the daily requirements for calcium are at greater risk for developing osteoporosis, which could eventually lead to bone fractures in the hip, spine or wrist. An 8-oz. cup of plain low-fat yogurt contains more calcium than an equal serving of milk, but you should choose a brand that is low in fat and calories and has few additives.

2 mins read

Starting a Raw Food Diet

A lot of people are jumping on the raw food diet bandwagon–to boost metabolism, build immunity, improve digestion, fight chronic health problems or keep weight down. However, it can be difficult to adjust to the quantity of food you must eat when on a raw food diet, and even more difficult to modify a restaurant habit. Yet there are several strategies you can adopt to start a raw food diet.