3 mins read

Peer Pressure in Teenage Pregnancy

Although teen pregnancy rates have fallen in the past several decades, the problem still wreaks havoc on the lives of teens. One factor that leads teen girls to become pregnant is peer pressure. Many teens sexualize themselves or engage in behavior for which they are not yet ready because they want to fit in or be popular. If your child is approaching her teenage years, consider the impact that peer pressure could have on her decisions, and the potential ramifications of this impact.

2 mins read

People Skills for Teenagers

The teenage years can be awkward and overwhelming. With all the changes and transitions from childhood to adulthood, teens can sometimes turn introverted or may lash out in frustration. Keep the path to adulthood a fairly bumpless one by facilitating your child’s relationships. By helping her navigate her friend, family and professional relationships, you can help her remain confident and in control.