3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Back Fat for Women

Excessive back fat doesn’t look so pretty. You may have a “spare tire” around your chest and back when you put on a bra. Your back fat may prevent you from wearing that knock-out dress you bought or from even putting on a swimsuit in the summer. When you diet and exercise to lose back fat, you’ll notice that the fat all over your body, including on your stomach, decreases as well. Toning exercises will build the muscle on your back, further minimizing the appearance of fat.

3 mins read

Fat Burning Diets for Women

According to Prevention Magazine, women gain about 1.5 lb. each year in adulthood. This translates to 40 lb. by the age of 50. Combat the weight gain with a fat-burning diet that targets the female metabolism. Combined with exercise and enough rest, a fat-burning diet keeps you feeling healthier for years to come.

2 mins read

Adrenal Fatigue in Women

While certain physical symptoms have readily identified causes, vague feelings of illness can be hard for many women to identify and difficult for health care professionals to diagnose and treat. According to MayoClinic.com, adrenal fatigue is a term that some practitioners of alternative medicine and popular health books use to describe a collection of nonspecific symptoms.

2 mins read

Foods With Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fats, also known as omega-3 fatty acids, are a category of polyunsaturated fats that can be subdivided into three main types–alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA). Together, these three types of omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health by decreasing the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis. In addition, they play a pivotal role in proper brain function and are needed in sufficient amounts for the neurological systems of developing fetuses and infants to grow appropriately. All three types of omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential dietary fats. They are available to our bodies only when we consume enough of them through the foods we eat on a regular basis. They cannot be synthesized through physiological chemical reactions alone. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of foods that provide ample amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.