1 min read

PurMinerals Mudd Masque

To maintain your clean, beautiful skin, it takes more than just the right face wash! PurMinerals Mudd Masque offers an age old secret to glowing skin in a modern world. What is the secret? – Pascalite. Formed 30 million years ago at the base of the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, pascalite was used by Native Americans for various medicinal purposes.

3 mins read

The Best Workouts for Cellulite

Ask any woman to point out a problem area on her body, and chances are she’ll point to her dimpled thighs or buttocks. Atma JoAnn Levitt, head of the integrative weight-loss program at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, explains that cellulite is a collection of excess bodily fluid called lymph. When the blood doesn’t adequately circulate throughout the body, lymph accumulates under the skin and gives it a “cottage cheese” appearance. Fortunately, you can incorporate workouts for cellulite into your daily exercise routine to help smooth and tone your legs.