26 mins read

Social Development and Bullying

Conflicts with Close Friends So, lets talk about those close personal friendships – kids will experience more conflicts with close friends than acquaintances. When our friend says something or does something to hurt our feelings it means a lot more than if a stranger did the same thing. Im sure we can relate to that. But, your childs ability to resolve conflicts will mature as they grow older and these challenges are part of that maturation.

3 mins read

Baby Intellectual Development

During his first years of life, your baby will develop significantly, changing from a malleable, albeit adorable, lump to a walking, talking little person. Newborns move through a series of intellectual developmental stages during their first years. As your baby moves through the world around her, she is constantly learning and evolving, becoming more aware of the things around her daily.

3 mins read

How to Tell if a Baby is Developing Normally

Anxiety is a new parents constant companion. Youre probably wondering if your baby is eating too little, sleeping too much or even crying too often. And way up there on your list of concerns is, no doubt, development. Should your baby be smiling by now? Crawling? Waving bye-bye? Like people, babies are individuals. Some will do things better, earlier and more easily than others. But knowing what milestones to look for at different stages can help put your mind at ease, or spur you to find early intervention programs if need be.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Development Stages

While the physical, emotional and spiritual experience of pregnancy is special for each mom, several development stages exist for every pregnant woman. Typically, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks; your future son or daughter develops over three distinct stages or trimesters. Knowing what to expect during each stage of your pregnancy can help you and your loved ones during this special time in your life.